Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Bill Gates Essay Example for Free
Bill Gates Essay One man with a vision dared all odds to realize his dream of having every abode equipped with a personal computer. It was rather an ambitious dream, but he did his best and soon enough success came knocking on his door. The most important developments in the history of the computer industry happened because of that one man and his vision. His story seems to tell people to dare to dream and work as hard to realize it. William Henry â€Å"Bill†Gates III chairs the world leader in software development, solutions as well as and services company known as the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corporation NP). This company has assisted individuals as well as industries around the world to recognize their fullest potentials. Bill Gates was born on the 28th day of October in the year 1955. He is the son of Mary and William Gates II. His father is an attorney while his mom was a teacher. Bill has two sisters. The young Bill together with his sisters was raised in Seattle (Microsoft Corporation NP). Born to a rich family, Gates went to the most expensive schools in the United States. For his elementary education, he went to both public as well as private schools. During these years, he came to develop an interest in the software industry. He started doing computer programming as young as 13 years of age (Microsoft Corporation NP). Gates also went to Harvard University in the year 1973 (Microsoft Corporation NP). In his stint at Harvard, he developed his version of the BASIC programming language. He did this for the microcomputer, otherwise known as the MITS Altair (Microsoft Corporation NP). He left Harvard while he was on his third year. His reason for leaving school is to concentrate on the company he started with good friend, Paul Allen. The year was 1975 when what was to become the largest software developing company was initially started, then manned by just two people, Bill and Allen (Microsoft Corporation NP). The two started developing software for PCs led by the conviction that the computer would likely become an indispensable tool at the offices as well as for every household. Gates’ hope as well as his dream for personal computing have as it has always been vital to the success of his company and as well as to the rest of the industry. Under his guidance, the company’s mission is to constantly progress as well as develop software technology. It also aims to make it simpler, more cost efficient, as well as more pleasing for its users. Gates became famous the world over, largely due to the sensational success of the company he started. He delivered an interesting insight on the way personal computers will further revolutionize the lives of people in the future. He also shared the way the information superhighway will constantly progress. Gates, being the positive and passionate guy that he is will certainly play a huge role in the future of computers. In the advent of sophisticated computer technology, Gates sees the future were paper work will eventually be minimized. He sees it as something where educators will teach their students with the aid of computers primarily. It would be a world where meetings can happen at any given day, at any given time without the need to travel long distances. It would be a world where residences can well recognize it owners’ distinctively like man ever though possible. Nowadays, Gates’ idea that PCs would be a huge industry as well as his constantly logical vision, are essential to his business as well as to the rest of the industry. The moment he and his business partner started out their business, they came to know the basics as they progressed (Gates 5). On the first day of January in the year 1994, Bill wed Melinda French (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP. While his philanthropic ways were essential to the billionaire, together with his wife, they started what came to be known as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The couple believes in the equality of life for every human being. From the time it started in the year 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation help to minimize the inequalities that exist in their own country as well as the world over (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP). As of the first month of the year 2005, over $28. 8 billion was allotted to aid the philanthropic efforts of the couple particular concerning worldwide health and education (Microsoft Corporation NP). They hope that developments in these fields will be made accessible to those in need in the 21st century. The foundation has devoted over $3. 6 billion to institutions involved in worldwide health care. It has allotted over $2 billion to develop education opportunities, together with the Gates Library Initiative to give PCs, access to the information superhighway as well as education to public libraries in poor neighborhoods in their country and even in Canada. Over $477 million was committed to neighborhood missions at the Pacific Northwest. Over $488 million was fixed for special missions as well as yearly giving drives of the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). The company declared a transition process on the 15 day of June in the year 2006. Such process took effect on July 2008. It has the company’s chairman out of his daily task in order to devote much of his time for his worldwide education and health initiatives through the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). After such time, Gates will still act as the chairman as well as a consultant particularly on the company’s key advancement programs. Such transition was done in order to guarantee the efficient as well as systematic turnover of responsibilities in the company. For a hundred years since the time of Rockefeller, Ford as well as Carnegie, the foundation eventually became the richest endowment ever to exist. Its first endowment sponsored the company associated products in training as well as public libraries in the country. Still, others claim that it was his wife’s influence that caused the foundation to take a new direction to be the biggest sole private resource of investment for study into AIDS, vaccine as well as malnutrition. As a result, the efforts garnered several recognitions (New Internationalist 1). Gates envisions significant developments in the computer industry in the years to come. He pictures software that is capable of interacting with people at a more personal level by means of identifying voices, features as well as hand gestures. Armed with inexpensive digital cameras, PCs will soon have vision (Hart NP). He pictures interactive tablet computes taking the place of books as well as notebooks in institutions. Pupils will draft the whole lot of the things they must have on their tablet computers and transcribe all straight to screen for storage. Gates foretells that for a great number of institutions, the price of new PCs will not fall as low to be a practical option to conventional book for two to fours years from now (Hart NP). Software will modify more things in the future than it has ever done before. Gates remarked the manner in which the development of software and ever more influential microprocessors, together with the information superhighway has affected individual as well as industrial computing. Moreover, he mentioned about the way it altered the world of photography as well as the music industry. For the most part, things will leave the desktop and will be completed in the cloud of the information superhighway. Large amounts of data, take for example, the Visual Earth developed by the company will build more logic being shared over cyberspace than downloaded on the personal computer (Kash NP). The answer to upcoming software advancement is to build the architecture that allows users to handle information as well as applications in a diversified environment making the most of both local as well as the cyber realms. The major transformation approaching is innovative means of relating with devices. At the same time as the aid of both keyboards and mouse is here to stay, innovative potentials in terms of speech recognition, citing for example may turn mobile devices into an even more powerful tool for communication. He also depicted the manner the three dimensional computing, collaboration devices as well as robotics are offering new stages for output that will constantly modify the cyberspace industry. Lastly, he imparted his remarks in dropping by institutions regarding the way software is turning out to be an ever more vital element in the development of the sciences, particularly in astronomy as well as biology, giving new opportunities for the development of the software industry. Gates impatiently waits for the time when the administration of any state can get rid of paper from their systems of justice as well as medical records. Since this particular market does not concern similar aggressive issues that it was usually to be anticipated that it would take a little more time for it to progress into new advances and still the chance for competence, visibility of data as well as doing away with forms is still rather great. He believes that the growing accessibility of sophisticated visual representations will advance the development of online advertising as well as the information superhighway will ever more afford the best stage for some of the most elaborate as well as targeted innovative advertising efforts. For the twenty five year that has passed since Gates first encountered the programming language known as BASIC and when he learned the about the GE machine, he has changed the computer industry in a remarkable way. The advent of Microsoft Windows, the mouse as well as MS – DOS brought it down to a more personalized plane. His goal of having every home equipped with a personal computer is happening. His visions have fashioned extremely aggressive software as well as hardware computing industries. This man has certainly caused a great impact on the way people processes available data. The world has been seen a dramatic change as far as the computer industry is concerned because of one man who dared to realize his noble vision. Works Cited â€Å"About Us. †2008. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gatesfoundation. org/AboutUs/. â€Å"Bill Gates. †30 July 2007. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. microsoft. com/presspass/exec/billg/bio. mspx. â€Å"Bill Gates. †July 2006. New Internationalist. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0JQP/is_391/ai_n16619363. Gates, Bill. The Road Ahead. USA: Pearson Education Limited, 1999. Hart, Kim. â€Å"Bill Gates’ Vision for the Future. †13 March 2008. The Washington Post Company. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://blog. washingtonpost. com/posttech/2008/03/bill_gates_vision_for_the_futu. html Kash, Wyatt. â€Å"Bill Gates on software’s future. †13 Marh 2008. Government Computer News. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gcn. com/blogs/tech/45963. html. Reitz, Stacey. â€Å"William Henry Gates III. †26 September 1996. Stacey Reitz. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://ei. cs. vt. edu/~history/Gates. html.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Cerebellar Lesions and The Neurosurgeon :: Medicine Treatments Papers
Cerebellar Lesions and The Neurosurgeon Modern Surgical Approaches The incorporation of computed topography into stereo tactic techniques coincided with a general interest in stereo tactic approaches to intracranial tumors. Several authors including Moser and Backlund in 1982 and Apuzzo in 1984 reported safe CT based stereo tactic tumor biopsies ofpineal region tumors. Most series of stereo tactic tumor biopsies contain a number of pineal region lesions. The reported mortality and morbidity of imaging based stereo tactic biopsy is very low. It is now clear that stereo tactic biopsy is one option in a management of a pineal region tumor. However, the question of sampling is frequency raised. In addition, many pineal region tumors are not cured with radiation and chemotherapy and need to be resected. Open Approaches The evolution of modern microsurgical techniques have resulted in a precipitous reduction in the morbidity andmortality in the open approaches for the excision of pineal tumors. Packer (1984) reported nomortality in the partial resection of 24 pineal region tumors most of which were operated using a transcallosal approach, although an infratentorial approach was use d in some of these. Larger subsequentseries were reported by Lapras and Patet (1987) with 100 patients and no mortality and Sano (1987) with 125 patients. Edwards (1988) and Hoffman (1991) each reported pediatric series of 30 and 33 patients respectively.No mortality was experienced in any of these surgical series. Most employed infratentorial or transtentorial approaches. The open approach has two major advantages over stereo tactic biopsy: it provides more tissue and adequate histological sampling and it allows excision of tumors, which can potentially cure by resection. Stereotactic Biopsy The surgical methods are reported elsewhere and described briefly here.Stereo tactic biopsies were performed utilizing the COMPASS stereo tactic system (COMPASS international, Inc. Rochester, Minnesota). The procedures comprise three steps: data base acquisition, surgical planning and thesurgical procedure. Data base acquisition: Under sedation and local anesthesia a CT/MRI compatible stereo tactic head frame is placed.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Oil and gas production, drilling, and trading is a big issue in the United States. Currently, much of the oil we use comes from foreign sources. Many argue that we should reduce foreign oil dependency by reducing our consumption and by drilling for oil right here in the U. S. For approximately forty years, a debate has been brewing about oil exploration and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is 19,000,000 acres of land in northern Alaska, a U. S. state. It is the largest protected wilderness in the United States and was created by Congress under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980†³ (Wikipedia Foundation, Inc) More specifically, within the ANWR, a 1,500,000 acre area located between the Beaufort Sea(northern border), Brooks Range (southern border), and the Prudhoe Bay (western border) is the center of controversy. This area is commonly referred to as section 1002 because when the ANILCA was created, in section 1002 of the document, the decision of how to manage oil and gas exploration and development for this area was tabled. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. ) There are various opinions with points for and against oil drilling in the ANWR's section 1002. At this point, I am against it. I recently read a quote by U. S. , President, Barak Obama in Wikipedia. It states, â€Å"In a League of Conservation Voters questionnaire, Obama said, â€Å"I strongly reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because it would irreversibly damage a protected national wildlife refuge without creating sufficient oil supplies to meaningfully affect the global market price or have a discernible impact on US energy security. †(Wikimedia Foundation, Inc)I have to say, I agree with President Obama 100%. This area is true wilderness. According to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, it is the most diverse ecosystem in northern Alaska. It is home to many Native Indian tribes, a l arge population of porcupine caribou, some large whales, and other smaller animals not popular elsewhere. Not to mention, it is on the coastal line of Alaska, which opens it up huge varieties of marine life and migrating birds from all over. Many people don't realize that oil drilling is big business. It will not only require oil drilling equipment and stations, but there will be roads, airports, housing, shopping, etc.This means much of the land will forever be affected. Many animal habitats and natural migratory and breeding patterns may be disrupted. The air and water will be polluted from vehicle traffic, the oil drilling itself, and many other human behaviors. Human waste will need to be dealt with. You name it, it will be a problem. Another concern is the potential for accidental pollution. As a matter of fact, in 1989, there was a bill on the table and it looked like it might make it through the Senate, to allow the drilling, when the infamous Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska.It was the largest spill of its kind where 260,000 to 750,000 barrels of crude oil spilled out of the tanker and into the surrounding waters, killing and injuring countless wildlife and destroying their habitats. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc) Lastly, experts are not even sure how much oil is even there. A U. S. Geological Survey published in 1998 stated there was between 5. 7 billion barrels to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil and natural gas liquids the ANWR's coastal plain area. As compared to an estimated 120 billion in the rest of the U. S.It is estimated that drilling in area 1002 would amount to about 1% world oil production by the year 2030. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc) This would create such a small impact on the products and services generated at the end user level. In other words, the rich oil investors will get richer and people like me will be no better off. The benefits do not outweigh the risks. I say not to drilling in the ANWR! Works Cited Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Arctic Refuge drilling controversy. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Ed. 7 September 2012. Web. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arctic_Refuge_drilling_controversy. 30 September 2012.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Jason Baldwin s Life And Life - 2116 Words
Jason Baldwin was born on February 17, 2008 at Bellevue Hospital located in Manhattan, New York. Mrs. Baldwin, Jason’s mother, gave birth to her son one week post term via a Cesarean at 6 pounds 5 ounces. Jason was declared a healthy baby boy and was discharged three days later. Jason Baldwin currently lives in the Bronx, New York with his mother, Abigail Baldwin, father Joseph Baldwin and his sister Kayla Baldwin. Mr. Joseph Baldwin is 46 years old and was born and raised in Greece, where he completed his bachelors degree. Mr. Baldwin came to the United States in 1997 and is currently self employed. Abigail Baldwin, Jason s mother, is 36 years old and was also born and raised in Greece, where she received her high school diploma. Mrs. Baldwin came to the United States in 2005 and is currently a nurse at Montefiore Hospital. Jason s sister, Kayla Baldwin is 15 years old and is currently attending the Bronx Lab High School. In 2011, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin expressed some concerns regarding Jason s speech and language development. Mrs. Baldwin stated that Jason did not start speaking until he was two years old. Mrs. Baldwin reported that Jason was exposed to both Greek and English at home. He was primarily exposed to English while watching TV and communicating with his sister and Greek when interacting with his parents. At the age of three, Jason was diagnosed with Austin. â€Å"Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal andShow MoreRelatedBackground Of Jason Baldwin s Life2119 Words  | 9 PagesBackground Jason Baldwin was born on February 17, 2008 at Bellevue Hospital located in Manhattan, New York. Mrs. Baldwin, Jason’s mother, gave birth to her son one week post term via a Cesarean at 6 pounds 5 ounces. Jason was declared a healthy baby boy and was discharged three days later. 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