Thursday, August 27, 2020
Taxation Policy Contexts Practice Rutledge â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Taxation Policy Contexts Practice Rutledge? Answer: Introducation The current issue is worried about the assurance of the taxability of the pay that is gotten by Fashionista Pty Ltd for the guarantee made to an Australian attire maker for not exchanging the domain of South Australia. As indicated by the tax collection administering of TR 94/D33, it decides the results of the capital additions charge outcomes identifying with the contemplations of the entirety got to allow prohibitive contracts and exchange ties (Barkoczy 2016). The Taxation decisions of TR 94/D33 address prohibitive pledges to the agreements or understandings that is shaped only dependent on the exchange ties in the midst of the two gatherings with the understanding that is gone into by the business element by making a deal to avoid exchanging the topographical area for a while. The tax collection administering considers the previous subsection 160M (7) is appropriate to the current setting of Fashionista Pty Ltd since the organization made a deal to avoid contending in the chose domain for a time of four years (Braithwaite, 2017). The sum that has been gotten by Fashionista Pty Ltd can be viewed as the prohibitive contract installments since the organization submitted to the exchange guarantee of not entering the predefined land region for exchange. In the current setting of Fashionista Pty Ltd it very well may be expressed that the new subsection of 160M (6) is material for any exchange where the measure of cash that is gotten is identified with the agreement for going into the prohibitive pledge alongside the selective exchange ties and the understanding of not to exchange (Cao et al. 2015). The magistrate of tax assessment considers the reason and the impact of the subsection that reaches out to distinguish the contemplations as the advantage of common g uarantees that is streaming towards the gatherings in the understanding. Passage 17 of the decision characterizes the view where the contemplations that is gotten inside the Subsection 160M (7) it isn't limited to the cash or property. Rather the contemplations stretch out to the assessable common guarantee that is streaming to the gatherings. As held on account of Esso Petroleum Co.Ltd v.Harper's Garage(Stourport)Ltd[1968] prohibitive pledges under the general law speaks to be viewed as the restriction of exchange (Saad 2014). The judgment characterizes that the restriction of exchange is pertinent where an individual has contracted to give up the opportunity which could have in any case been accessible. In the current situation of Fashionista Pty Ltd it tends to be expressed that the organization made a deal to avoid exchanging south Australia speaks to a limitation of exchange as surrendering the opportunity of exchanging that the geological limit which could have been in any case accessible for exchange. As held on account of Bacchus Marsh Concentrated MilkCo Ltd (in Liq) v Joseph Nathan Co Ltd[1919] a limitation of exchange can be considered as the substantial under the customary law which isn't held by an outlandish restriction by the courts requires that the covenantee is under the commitments of ensuring the intrigue (Lang 2014). Such intrigue is by and large described as the enthusiasm for the property or the altruism of the business. Also, from the current instance of Fashionista Pty Ltd it very well may be expressed that the business ties, for example, understanding of not exchanging the specific domain is a limitation of exchange that is substantial under the custom-based law. The sum that is gotten by Fashionista Pty Ltd could be considered for the capital additions charge reason for the contemplations of $440,000 got by the Australian organization for grinding the prohibitive agreements and exchange ties. Calculation of Taxable Income Points of interest Sum ($) Sum ($) Assessable Income Net Receipts $ 4,40,000.00 Less: GST $ 40,000.00 Net Receipts $ 4,00,000.00 Absolute Assessable Income $ 4,00,000.00 Less: Company Tax 27.5% $ 1,10,000.00 Absolute Tax Payable $ 1,50,000.00 Total compensation $ 2,90,000.00 As characterized under the segment 7 of the Fringe Benefit Tax Assessment Act 1997, it sets out the conditions in which the clients of the vehicle will be considered for tax collection under the available incidental advantage. The demonstration set out the two elective strategy for esteeming the advantage. As apparent from the current contextual investigation of Fashionista Pty Ltd it tends to be expressed that vehicle gave to Jane Jackson comprise incidental advantage where a businesses vehicle is utilized by the worker or the partner for the private reason or that is accessible with the end goal of private use. As held on account of Lunney and Hayley v FC of T (1958)it is asserted that the situation of movement between an individual home and the work environment or business is considered as the normal private travel (Miller and Oats 2016). Incidental advantage Liability is relevant to the all the private use alongside the private home to work travel. As obvious from the current situation that private use under the sub segment 136 (1) utilization of vehicle made by the representative or the partner which isn't over the span of picking up and delivering the available pay of the worker would be respected for the private utilization of the vehicle. Therefore, the vehicle that was utilized by the Jane Jackson for make a trip from work to home would comprise private use, was not related during the time spent picking up or creating the assessable salary, and was not related for carrying on the business reason. In reliable with the current situation it is comprehended that vehicle costs brought about on the workers can be considered as the Fringe Benefit Tax, which can be considered for permissible conclusions. In any case, Jane Jackson would not have the option to guarantee suitable conclusions since the movement from work to home would be considered as the private cost and they don't comprise reasonable derivations since it was not picked up for creating the assessable pay. Moreover, it is likewise discovered that Fashionista Pty Ltd had additionally repaid Jane $40,000 for the school charges and furthermore paid the most recent commitment that was expected on her part for the exceptional HELP credit which can be considered as the installment to incidental advantage and the organization can guarantee a passable derivation for that cost. As characterized under the Taxation administering of IT 2631 proprietors of the rental premises particularly in the areas of focal business of the significant capital urban communities of Australia, much of the time offer motivators to initiate organizations to enter in the rent of the premises (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). The Taxation Ruling of IT 2631 takes into the contemplations both the money and non-money rent motivations. In the current instance of Fashionista Pty Ltd, it is discovered that the organization moved starting with one premises then onto the next reason and the total got would be considered as the pay. As held on account of F.C of T v. Myer Emporium Ltd the government court characterized that the a receipt would be considered as the salary given that such pay starts from the disconnected business activities or business exchanges that is gone into in the customary course of carrying on of a business. The judgment contained that the receipts would be considered as salary so long the citizen entered in the change proposing to create benefit or increase from the exchange (Evans, Minas and Lim 2015). As apparent from the choice where it is discovered that the citizen works from the rented premises and the move of one premises to the another premises with the renting of the premises involved would be considered as the demonstration of the citizens under the course of the business action that outcomes in citizens assessable salary. Also, the judgment of the government court on account of F.C of T v. Cooling 1990, where a citizen of the business is given the case motivating forces to enter in the rent of the business premises the motivator would be treated as pay for the citizen (Woellner et al. 2016). Taking into account the current circumstance of the Fashionista Pty Ltd it very well may be characterized that the citizen was given the money motivator of entering in the rent of the new business premises and the money installment got speaks to impetus in the idea of pay and would be considered for assessable. In regard of the Fashionista Pty Ltd the exchange that is gone into by the firm ought to be treated as the business exchange. Besides, it framed the piece of the business action of Fashionista Pty Ltd a not an immaterial piece of it was the acquiring of the business benefit by method of the motivating force installment. Likewise, it tends to be considered as the installment will be seen as pay under the cus tomary ideas and will be considered for evaluation. In the later stages it is discovered that the Fashionista Pty Ltd needs to acquire the cost on fixing the property. As expressed under the Taxation Ruling of 97/23, it gives the circumstances wherein the individual brings about a cost for fixes where admissible derivations can be asserted (Schreiber 2013). Moreover Section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997 gives the arrangement that is identified with picking up consent of taking into the contemplations the finding as the reasonable reasonings (Robin 2017). As characterized under Section 8-1 (2) of the ITAA 1997 an individual isn't permitted to guarantee conclusions for misfortune or outgoings having the degree of the misfortune or cordial isn't capital in nature. Installments that is made by won't be permitted as conclusions since the fixes that it is required to be made ought to be considered as the underlying fixes. Taking into the contemplations the Taxation decisions of 97/23 an individual would not be permitted to guarantee suitable findings that has the idea of the capital works. As held on account of Hallstroms Pty Ltd v. FC of T(1946) fixes having the idea of capital would not be considered for derivations (Blakelock and King 2017
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Law and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law and Religion - Essay Example Religions are one of the Institutions of socialization, having the effect on individuals and choose how the individuals think and live. It doesn't make a difference what religion you are have a place with, the essential components are same for all religion. The religion arranges its activity around specific convictions, practice and images. The religion is framed by the gathering of individuals who bearing comparable conviction and philosophy. There are typically laws inside the religion that controls the manner in which the individuals from the religion ought to carry on. Any individual from the religion overstepped the law, it will be treated as evil, and which prompts disciplines a few times. As indicated by Ron Kurtus, Religion can be see as a religious, philosophical, anthropological, sociological and mental marvel of mankind. Religion remembers endurance for unforgiving, natural, good and social guidelines, beating ailments and secrets of life including eternal life. Religion i s a huge and complex wonder. The foundation of the word religion is from the Latin word â€Å"religare†, which means being bound. Religion additionally may grasp an origination of confidence. Law is the social component, which is utilized to keep up the social request. As it were, law may assist with keeping up the open request, so the social and legitimate cooperations can happen inside the general public. The law is an instrument for the goals of questions, social issues, security danger and issue in connection transport between people. Three fundamental parts are comprising in the human instinct; they are to live, to engender and to command. Law is the parameter, which administer the conduct of normal reality by the mankind. Connection among Law and Religion The law is significant factor for the religion. The hypothetical structure of the law is intended to help the religion and the religion has the effect of the law. The law suits, confine or impact the religion. The law has the significant job in keeping up open and social request. The law has additionally the particular job according to the ethical request of the general public. The law is the instrument for goals of questioned between people without imperiling open request. The law serves to the approach creators to react to social issue. The legislators can utilize their capacity to practice their law making capacity to change the standards to draw in with social issues. The law may likewise been viewed as set of rule directing individual relationship. The law is the significant system for controlling state power specifically in making sure about the rights and opportunity of the person. This is a specific subject corresponding to strict rights. The strict convictions, personality a nd practices of individual have the potential effect on the capacity of the lawful framework. And furthermore the legitimate qualities impact strict qualities. Law is utilizing to maintain control, resolve questions, react to social issue, manage social relationship, control state control or engage people. Law is significant factor in the religion, since it encroaches on individual, network and association. There are such huge numbers of religion works in our general public. The law makes uphold the law to ensure the ability to speak freely and prejudice and so on. On the planet we can see various nations battling each other because of various religion and conviction of the individuals in those nations. The collaboration among law and religion is significant for the general public. The religion enthusiasm of an individual isn't in excess of a clarification for their exercises or otherworldly needs instead of an unmistakable enthusiasm of that person. The legislators need to offer load to one side to singular self-governance, which may emerge in light of the fact that an individual wishes to dismiss clinical treatment that would be in opposition to their strict convictions. (Dwindle W. Edge, 17). Law significant for Religion Law might be viewed as one of numerous social instruments, which keep up the social request in the general public. The law uphold the change from a perpetual war of all against all, to a position
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a How to Essay on Any Subject
How to Write a How to Essay on Any SubjectIf you are looking for a quick way to write a how to essay on any subject, then the Internet is an amazing tool. Using the Internet as a resource, you can easily find writing a how to essay resource online. Many of these writing a how to essays resource websites are hosted by the community in the form of forums or blogs.Writing a how to essay on any subject is a great way to get new ideas and information. However, it can be very difficult to know where to start with this type of project. Most people have the same questions. Where do I begin?The truth is that you do not want to start your essay with a 'Whoops!' It may seem like such a simple idea, but this can really throw off your whole research process and the way that your essay will be received by the reader.In today's world, almost everything can be obtained on the Internet. Writing a how to essay should be no different. However, many people still feel like they need to write their resear ch first. So many questions will arise from learning how to search the Internet for writing a how to essay in the first place.Just like anything else, the topic for the research will depend on what you are trying to research. The topic that you choose is determined by the audience for your project. For example, if you are looking for how to write a how to article on automobile repair, then you can choose a topic that relates to the topic. You may choose to write about all types of car repairs and topics related to how to repair cars, but this can really throw off your research process.First, you must have an agenda before you begin your research. The first thing that you must decide what information you want to include. In many cases, the more information you have the better your research will be.After you have chosen the information that you need to research, then you will need to put together a theme for your research. This will give your research a structure and it will help to m ake your overall research project a success. However, if you are not sure what a good theme is, then do not worry, just use your best judgment.Now that you have taken a look at how to write a how to essay on any subject, you can begin your research. Once you begin your research, you will need to be patient and take your time to compile the information you have gathered. You will have fun doing it, but make sure you pay attention to details.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Literary Analysis Of Sylvia Plaths Mirror - 1075 Words
Poetry lives in spaces where ordinary language cannot do the work, it finds a way to survive through intros in rap songs, commercials or ads, and monologues in movies. Poetry depicts the emotions nobody dares to talk about in public and shows how much a situations can impact you. These events create emotions into art. Sylvia Plath’s story and motive to write poems begins around the same time her father passes, an event that will impact her poetry deeply. A little after Plath’s eighth birthday her father dies from a case of diabetes that he ignores to treat. Plath published one of her first poems at the early age of eight in the children’s section of the Boston Herald. Later, in 1950, she is accepted by Smith College, where she meets an†¦show more content†¦She teaches at Smith and writes. Hughes and Plath eventually go back to England where Plath suffers from a miscarriage and goes on to give birth to two other children. Her and Hughes marriage didnâ⠂¬â„¢t go too well, her husband having mistresses. In 1963, Plath wrote â€Å"Daddy†while they were in the process of divorcing. In Daddy Sylvia Plath uses metaphors and imagery to portray herself as a victim who feels resentment and sadomanchism. In the first stanza Plath begins by saying, You do not do, you do not do/ Anymore black shoe/ In which I have lived like a foot/ For thirty years, poor and white,/ Barely daring to breathe or Achoo(Daddy). In the poem the word achoo represents the German word Achtung, it suggests that Plath is using the word to illustrate Nazi atrocities which will help to introduce the metaphor for her situation. A critic, Mary Lynn Broe, from Poetry for Students writes the real victim is the poet-performer who, despite her straining toward identification with the public events of holocaust and destruction of World War II, becomes more murderously persecuting than the â€Å"panzer-man†who smothered her, and who abandoned her with a paradoxical love, guilt, and fear(Broe 80). In other words Broe is saying that she is using imagery to show that Plath is the victim while she p aints her father as this model and power over her and her emotions. As the poem goes on we get to stanza two where she begins by saying, Daddy IShow MoreRelatedBiography of Sylvia Plath1452 Words  | 6 PagesCritical Analysis Sylvia Plath, a great American author, focuses mostly on actual experiences. Plath’s poetry displays feelings and emotions. Plath had the ability to transform everyday happenings into poems or diary entries. Plath had a passion for poetry and her work was valued. She was inspired by novelists and her own skills. Her poetry was also very important to readers and critics. Sylvia Plath’s work shows change throughout her lifetime, relates to feelings and emotions, and focuses on dayRead MoreOutline Structure For Literary Analysis : Daffodils By Ted Hughes960 Words  | 4 PagesOutline Structure for Literary Analysis Essay I. An Enemy or a Friend: â€Å"Daffodils†by Ted Hughes II. Paragraph 1: Introduction A.)This poem is focused all about daffodil flowers which i believe is a resemblance of his wife Sylvia Plath. B. The author of the poem is Ted Hughes .The poem is based around how years Hughes and his children would sell the daffodils to make a living but never realized how much they were taking the daffodil for grant. C. The title of the poem is â€Å"Daffodils.†F. The mainRead MoreHow Sylvia Plaths Life is Reflected in the Poems Daddy, Morning Song, and Lady Lazarus2237 Words  | 9 PagesHow Sylvia Plaths Life is Reflected in the Poems Daddy, Morning Song, and Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath has had an exciting life, if I can use this word. Her father died from an undiagnosed diabetes when she was eight. At the same time, a short couplet that she wrote was published in the Boston Sunday Herald. Later, she won scholarships to study in Smith, Harvard, and finally Cambridge. There, Plath married Ted Hughes, who was a good poet, too. What amazes me in her lifeRead MoreThe Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath1211 Words  | 5 PagesSylvia Plath Research Paper Title The Bell Jar place[s] [the] turbulent months[of an adolescent’s life] in[to] mature perspective (Hall, 30). In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath uses parallelism, stream of consciousness, the motif of renewal and rebirth, symbolism of the boundary-driven entrapped mentally ill, and auto-biographical details to epitomize the mental downfall of protagonist, Esther Greenwood. Plath also explores the idea of how grave these timeless and poignant issues can affect a fragile
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The R. Tolkien - 1912 Words
J.R.R. Tolkien was an amazing author who had the ability to forge stories that have captivated audiences worldwide since the publishing of his first ever book. Part of this literary success comes from his astounding character development; his way of writing causes the reader to truly feel what his characters are experiencing and many a reader has cried at the death of a Tolkien character. However, if most people attempt to think of one of his characters the first ones that come to mind are males such as Aragorn and Frodo, when in all reality some of his most intriguing and subtly pivotal characters are females. Galadriel, Là ºthien, Arwen, and EÃŒ owyn are four of those such women who are all individually different, although they can be†¦show more content†¦For many long years I had pondered what I might do, should the Great Ring come into my hands, and behold! It was brought within my grasp’ . . . She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measure, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! She was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad. ‘I have passed the test (The Fellowship 380-381).’†Galadriel is able to fight off the power of Sauron, a powerful maiar, in this scene the reader is shown the power she could have had if she had chosen to take the ring, however she turns down this immense power due to the evil she knows accompanies it. The Lady Galadriel is grave, wise, beautiful, and powerful, truly she is a model of the perfect women, whether it be elf or man. The other idealist female crafted by Tolkien was the half elf, half maiar maiden Là ºthien, child of Thingol and Melian. Even when Là ºthien is first introduced in the Silmarillion her gentle yet powerful nature was made abundantly evident: â€Å"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Hobbit 1329 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction In September 21, 1937, the fantasy-fiction writer J. R. R. Tolkien published the first copy of the Hobbit. The composers of both the film and the novel employ sophisticated fantasy and adventure elements such as, mythical creatures which resemble human characteristics, fighting in large groups, singing for hope, quests to reach their main goal. Furthermore the composers of both texts emphasis on the elements of fantasy and adventure in detail by offering the audience a magical settingRead MoreEssay about J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings2310 Words  | 10 Pagesof these two books, J.R.R. Tolkien is just as interesting a man as many of the characters he created in the world of Middle-Earth. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Africa to a banker manager and his wife in 1892 and had only one sibling, Hilary, who was less than two years younger (Wikipedia). When he was young both of his parents died (one from rheumatic fever, the other from diabetes) and he and hi s brother were raised by a Catholic priest in Birmingham (Wikipedia). Tolkien was involved inRead MoreSir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1342 Words  | 6 Pagesus the mystery behind mens knottiness, This knot Gawain ties is relevant primarily because it also figures for Dante the volume which in turn figures the inscribed plenitude of the divine. The knot, in short, is a figure of the book, and as a figure of the book, it must have attracted the Gawain-poet strongly. For in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a volume figured as a nodo capacities the understanding of the knots of the pentangle and the green girdle as each a volume, or text or signRead MoreThe Epic Of Beowulf By Seamus Heaney2116 Words  | 9 PagesPoetry Book Society Choice. In 2012 he earned the Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry’s LIfetime Recognition Award. On top of that, he’s referred to as â€Å"the greatest Irish poet since Yeats†by his critics. In Dublin, Ireland he passed away on August 30, 2013. Critical Analysis Many people have read and analyzed Beowulf, since it has cultural meaning today in society. Critics of it include J.R.R. Tolkien, writer of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, as well as Joseph R. Strayer. Tolkien startsRead MoreEvil Within the World, Depicted in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit3273 Words  | 14 Pagesdelivered on the silver platter of others work, but rather by the fruits of ones own labor. So, as to properly examine the notion of evil within the world, I look to a piece of literature often seen in the light of innocence: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Within this piece we see the pure untainted character of Bilbo thrust into a world of adventure, danger, greed, corruption, and most of all, evil. Through his adventures he emerges a character quite unlike the Bilbo we were first introduced to. InRead MoreTime Management and Learning Styles Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant element of this study has been to track my activities for 48 hours (See appendix). The method I have used consists of a table to track my main activities and explain them in more detail if necessary while keeping record of other events. This analysis has helped me to realize that although I def initely can improve my time management strategies, I do not use my time in a detrimental manner. Assessing my routine has also helped me to identify how the benefit and challenges of web-based educationRead MoreThe Impact Of Christian Features On Beowulf3125 Words  | 13 Pagestouched by Christianity. Some of the questions that were raised by critics are: Was this a pagan poem that had some Christian additions in it? Do these Christian additions change the poem? In 1936, JRR Tolkien wrote an article called ?Beowulf: the monsters and the critics?. Tolkien?s findings?lend support to?the?claim?that Beowulf is centrally a pre-Christian poem with a few Christian details since the poet who wrote this epic was a Christian who was looking back on pre-Christian past withRead MoreThe Impact Of Christian Features On Beowulf3125 Words  | 13 Pagestouched by Christianity. Some of the questions that were raised by critics are: Was this a pagan poem that had some Christian additions in it? Do these Christian additions change the poem? In 1936, JRR Tolkien wrote an article called ?Beowulf: the monsters and the critics?. Tolkien?s findings?lend support to?the?claim?that Beowulf is centrally a pre-Christian poem with a few Christian details since the poet who wrote this epic was a Christian who was looking back on pre-Christian past withRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 PagesAdventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (1884) Pharaoh, by BolesÅ‚aw Prus (1895) What Maisie Knew, by Henry James (1897)[23] 20th century[edit] The Confusions of Young Tà ¶rless, by Robert Musil (1906) Martin Eden, by Jack London (1909)[24] The Book of Khalid, by Ameen Rihani (1911)[25] Le Grand Meaulnes, by Alain-Fournier (1913) Sons and Lovers, by D. H. Lawrence (1913)[26] Of Human Bondage, by W. Somerset Maugham (1915) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce (1916)[27] Demian:Read MoreThe Great Divorce and The Divine Comedy3095 Words  | 13 Pagescultural impact of Dante’s Divine Comedy is widely seen through a sundry of literary works, television programs, films and even video games. Yet, one of the most prominent works the Divine Comedy has impacted is C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce. Lewis’s book is greatly indebted to Dante’s work, as both try to teach the reader how to achieve salvation. Furthermore, Lewis and Dante’s protagonists discover the path to salvation through choices, and learning what causes one’s refusal of God. Both authors explore
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Technology And Medicine Promise And Peril - 974 Words
Technology in Medicine: Promise and Peril Saint Augustine once said, â€Å"What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.†The profession of medicine can be traced back to the 5th century BCE this signifies how important the relationship between a patient and the doctor is. The fact that this profession until now stands out, let alone speaks for itself. The fact that when someone speaks about a doctor that treated them everyone in the room pays their respect. The relationship of a doctor and a patient isn’t something that was recently created, but rather a†¦show more content†¦In the future, of course, this allows for a more diverse and capable environment resulting in doctors performing a surgery even at home. This might affect the doctors and patients relationship in a negative way, due to the fact the patient can t see th e doctor. However, This will in fact limit the fault rate in surgeries and gives the patient a better chance of surviving a specific surgery. As technology advances in Qatar, people tend to negate little symptoms and â€Å"Google them†instead of referring to their doctor about it. Which in many cases creates a conflict as they start to question the doctor’s reliability. As a matter of fact although technology has created many benefits to the medical society and the doctors, it has also created many problems within the society itself. Technology is so rapidly increasing that people keep forgetting the importance of their physical body, since they’re so focused in their virtual life. â€Å"In an average evening of primetime television, you’ll see more violence than you’ll see in your entire life.†As a result, â€Å"we see nightmares, bedwetting and even post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in children who have actually never witnessed violence. (1)†. Bioengineering,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Confucianisms similarities to virtue ethics free essay sample
Isaiah Fasoldt Confucinisms Similarities With Virtue Ethics Confucianism, the ancient social philosophy of China, would have had no ethical parallel in the West as little as 30 years ago. There are some small similarities that it holds with utilitarian ethics and deontology. There is very little in ethical egoism or relativism that lines up with Confucianism. I believe that virtue ethics, however, as laid out in Alasdair Maclntyres book After Virtue bears a striking resemblance to Confucianism. One important feature of Confucianism, according to John Koller, is that it is an ssentially humanist philosophy; in other words, human beings are the ultimate source of values. This is in apposition to Supernaturalism†which claims that values ultimately come from God, and naturalism†which believes that values come from nature. Thus, Confucianism, answers the question of How can goodness and harmony be achieved? by looking for exemplars and principles in humanity itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Confucianisms similarities to virtue ethics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is strikingly similar to the picture that Alasdair Maclntyre paints of the world. According to Maclntyre, most of the ethical language and arguments that are thrown around between ethicists and even everyday people is fundamentally ncomprehensible or incoherent. Ethical prescriptions used to be based on a common belief in God and the ways in which He has ordered the universe. In todays world, however, we no longer share that common belief, but we have kept the structures and language of our old ethical systems without the foundation stones on which they were originally built. To remedy this ailment, Maclntyre proposes going back to a kind of virtue ethics, an essentially humanist philosophy that defines virtuous behavior as what a good man would do. Like Confucianism, virtue ethics looks to neither God nor nature, but rather humanity to find the principles by which o live. Furthermore, both Confucianism and virtue ethics focus less on the rightness of actions themselves, but rather on the development of virtuous people. Koller, notes The Confucian idea that virtue, rather than law, should be the basis of government . Similarly, virtue ethics sees ethical behavior as ultimately driven by character, not by rules (deontology) or consequences (utilitarianism). Both Confucianism and virtue ethics are interested in cultivating people skillful in doing good as the basis of a stable society. Confucianisms similarities to virtue ethics By ifasoldt
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Essay Examples on Marketing Management Essay Example
Essay Examples on Marketing Management Paper 1st Essay Sample on Marketing Management Marsha Carpenter BADM625-O2 Dr. Nall October 28, 2012 Marketing Excellence – eBay 1. Why has eBay succeeded as an online auction marketplace while so many others have failed? According to Kotler and Keller (2012, p. 411), eBay’s success began by creating aâ€Å"pricing revolution†, which allowed the bidders/buyers to determine the price they were willing to pay for an item. The consumers were pleased because they felt they were in control, and received the best possible price. The sellers were also pleased because they reached a wide variety of buyers, and they ended up owing very little overhead when the deals were done (Kotler Keller, 2012, p. 411). The reason eBay succeeded while others failed is because the others were unable to create a unique business model which pleased both buyers and sellers (Bandyopadhyay Wolfe, 2004, p. 141). Although there is little revenue input from these companies, many sites such as auction. om, sandcrawler. com, and firstauction. com, merged with others or shutdown due to lack of participants (Bandyopadhyay Wolfe, 2004, p. 141). Bandyopadhyay and Wolfe (2004) examined the reasons an auction site succeeds and their variables for their research were determined as ease of user interactivity, variety of product offerings, level of trust, rate of growth and adoption, networking, level of commitment, and payment options. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Marketing Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Marketing Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Marketing Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Marketing Management Marketing Management Marketing Management When customers feel they are more than just a number, they will soon become frequent buyers. Other mentionables by Bandyopadhyay and Wolfe (2004) were the web address must be easy to remember, the site must be easy to navigate, easy interaction with other members or the site itself, availability 24/7, high-usage interaction, advanced features, and the design of the website must be clutter-free (Bandyopadhyay Wolfe, 2004, p. 141-143). eBay has all of these listed features and must be part of its success. 2nd Essay Sample on Marketing Management Strengths Strong Management (Shakey’s) Strong management can help Shakey’s reach its potential by utilizing strengths and eliminating†¦ Size Advantages (Shakey’s) Size advantages lower Shakey’s’s risks. The larger Shakey’s gets, the more resources they have to†¦ Technology (Shakey’s) Superior technology allows Shakey’s to better meet the needs of their customers in ways that†¦ Cost Advantages (Shakey’s) Lower costs lead to higher profits for Shakey’s. A low cost leader can undercut rivals on price†¦ Customer Loyalty (Shakey’s) When given a choice, customers are loyal to Shakey’s. Instead of targeting all customers, Shakey’s†¦ Weaknesses Customer Service (Shakey’s) Weak customer service hurts Shakey’s’s reputation and causes customers to flee to competitors, who†¦ Opportunities Innovation (Shakey’s) Greater innovation can help Shakey’s to produce unique products and services that meet customer’s†¦ New Technology (Shakey’s) New technology helps Shakey’s to better meet their customer’s needs with new and improved products†¦ New Products (Shakey’s) New products can help Shakey’s to expand their business and diversity their customer base†¦ New Markets (Shakey’s) New markets allow Shakey’s to expand their business and diversify their portfolio of roducts and†¦ Marketing Management Marketing Management Marketing Management Threats Bad Economy (Shakey’s) A bad economy can hurt Shakey’s’s business by decreasing the number of potential customers†¦ Intense Competition (Shakey’s) Intense completion can lower Shakey’s’s profits, because competitors can entice consumers Shakey’s SWOT Analysis Profile away†¦ What is a SWOT Analysis? It is a way of evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that affect something. See WikiWealth’s SWOT tutorial for help. Remember, vote up the most important comments. Check out WikiWealth’s entire database of free SWOT reports or use our SWOT analysis generator to create your own SWOT template.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Character Development 101 Writing Characters Readers Wont Forget
Character Development 101 Writing Characters Readers Wont Forget Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget For any novel to truly connect with readers, the author needs to pay close attention to character development. Even if you’re writing the most action-packed, plot-driven book where the characters are robots, it’s the human element of the story that is going to resonate with people looking for their next read.Ask yourself: are you more likely to read a book about a voyage to a newly discovered planet, or a book about someone who never saw Earth but knows they will never reach the destination planet of the spaceship they are on? The plot’s concept - traveling in space - may intrigue you, but the characters will hook you in.This article will help you develop characters your readers won’t forget. Let’s start by looking inside. 5 tips for developing characters that readers won't be able to forget. To develop memorable characters, you'll need to:Justify the character’s reason for existence by establishing the character's story goal and motivation.Give the character an external and internal conflict.Decide whether the character is static or dynamicGive the character a past.Develop the character's external characteristics to make them distinguishableEach point is a step towards deepening a character's depth. By the end of the process, you should emerge with a fully-realized, multidimensional character - and we'll take you through each stage in this post in order to get you there.That means that we'll start, of course, with internal character development. You can think of internal character development as a circle: one that starts and ends with your character’s fundamental goals and motivations. All the other decisions you make along the way will be informed by and affect those two things.1. Establish the character’s story goals and motivationsYour characterà ¢â‚¬â„¢s current goal is why the story exists - and why it’s worth telling - right now. It’s what your character wants from the book’s plot and it will propel  their inner journey. Without it, the overall narrative arc would fall totally flat.Let’s look at a few character goal examples:Harry Potter’s goal is to defeat Lord VoldemortBilbo’s goal is to help the dwarves reclaim the kingdom of EreborHamlet’s goal is to avenge his murdered father Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy change for love (image: BBC)Reinforcing your protagonist through secondary characters Often times, authors write static secondary characters to act as a pillar around which a dynamic character can develop. Think of Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird: he changes little throughout the course of the novel. But it is his steadfast belief in justice that guides Scout from a state of childhood innocence into a young girl with a strong sense of right and wrong.Or you might want to consider writing a â€Å"foil†: a character who contrasts the protagonist, and is used to highlight particular qualities of the main character. For instance, Harry Potter’s foil is Draco Malfoy.Develop characters by determining the shape of their arc. Ask yourself:How much will they change?What inspires their change?Do they change for the better?Do they change for the worse?Do they change the world and/or people around them?4. Give the character a pastJust as your own history has contributed to the person you are today, so does your character’s. You should develop you r character’s past as much as possible, but it’s especially important to create and zero-in on experiences and memories that inform the character we see in the story.Develop characters through their history. Ask yourself:What moments from their past have played a pivotal role in who they are now?Do they have any suppressed memories?What are some of their happiest memories?5. Develop the character's external characteristicsYes, the internal goals and motivations are the "heart" of a character. But that doesn't mean that their external characteristics should just be an after-thought. While the fact that your protagonist has blonde hair may not impact the plot, it can only benefit you as the author to have an exhaustive composition of them. All compelling characters need a past. Fill out this questionnaire to determine yours. Early in your character development, put a bit of time into sketching out your protagonist's external features, including their...Communication stylePhysical appearanceMannerismsYou can develop characters through physical characteristics as well. Ask yourself†¦What do they look like? Does their appearance play a role in the story?How do they interact with others - what is their communication style like?How do their mannerisms contribute to how others perceive them?To help give yourself a more holistic image of your character, check out our ready-made character profile template. It will prompt you to define external elements like posture and distinguishing features, to internal elements like their relationship with their mother and how they’re perceived by strangers.Or if you prefer to keep your character notes organized online, you can check out the character builder tool over at One Stop for Writers. It's a super-thorough guide to character creation that guides you thro ugh filling out their backstory, personality, and other details that contribute to their overall arc. (You'll need a subscription to access the tool, but trust us that it's worth it.)In any case, once you’ve established goals and motivations, conflicts, dynamism, history, and physicality, you’re well on your way to nailing character development. When those details are hammered down, put your knowledge of your protagonist to the test with these eight character development exercises. Before you know it, you’ll find you have acquired a new close friend - albeit an imaginary one.Do you have your own tips for character development? Or any favorite characters from books you feel leap off the page? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!
Sunday, February 23, 2020
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 10
International Business - Essay Example Primary activities are those activities which involve the organisation of supplies inputs or inbound logistics, operations of manufacturing, delivery as well as the distribution of commodities (Distribution is also referred to as outbound logistics), marketing of products and lastly, sales as well as after –sales services. Each of these mentioned primary activities has the aid of support activities and this is the point at which support activities come in. Support activities may involve; a company’s planning capacity, development of technology, human resource management (HRM), and procurement activities. (Weiss, 2002 p 144) The analysis of global commodity chain involves a process of study on value creation in the process of production and distribution. Business strategies are also very close to the function of value chain, this is since it says that in the world economy goods’ production is in a chain process commencing from one country up to the final country. Each process in the commodity chain has value being added to the product and the magnitude of value relies on the competitiveness in the market. More and more the largest value is enhanced in the product branding and differentiation processes as evidenced in large business organisations like Nike. Analsysing commodity chain aids in the understanding of power relations displayed in the global system. It’s made possible by the world financial order as administered by the IFIs – International Financial Institutions. Commodity chain study unravels understanding of the function of branded transnational capitalism. It also promises to guide in the exploration of the fluctuating distribution of realisations of value between the social groups at the steps of production and the differing fractions of elites of the transnational business. (Murphy 2008 pp 9-10) Member states of OECD’s government as well as the political approach are the ones
Friday, February 7, 2020
Singapore Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Singapore Model - Essay Example Singapore’s description of state capitalism is that the government has controlling shares in various public corporations and issue funding through the sovereign wealth fund (SWF). The SWF is state-owned capital funds used for real and financial asset investments in stocks, bonds or other alternative ventures. The funds are applied universally from export revenues or foreign exchange reserves in the custody of the central bank. Considering this, Singapore attracts multinational organizations to take the global SWF benefits. The country also imposes business friendly regulations that favor the establishment of multinational organizations. The Singapore’s capitalism Model incorporates the private and public-owned companies towards an overall contribution to the economy (Tajuddin 54). The availability of the SWF has enhanced domestic investment in which the local industries are capable of manufacturing large-scale production. As a result, the state-owned companies transform into global enterprises that serve other regions with quality products. It is apparent that the SWF contribute to government social spending without raising taxes because they represent the budgetary surplus owned by the central bank. Similarly, the SWF does not have international debts accrued from government borrowing. The country creates SWF in order to boost economic activities inspired to promote the state-owned enterprises. Singapore depends on services and manufacturing exports, with little government interference.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Bill Gates Essay Example for Free
Bill Gates Essay One man with a vision dared all odds to realize his dream of having every abode equipped with a personal computer. It was rather an ambitious dream, but he did his best and soon enough success came knocking on his door. The most important developments in the history of the computer industry happened because of that one man and his vision. His story seems to tell people to dare to dream and work as hard to realize it. William Henry â€Å"Bill†Gates III chairs the world leader in software development, solutions as well as and services company known as the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corporation NP). This company has assisted individuals as well as industries around the world to recognize their fullest potentials. Bill Gates was born on the 28th day of October in the year 1955. He is the son of Mary and William Gates II. His father is an attorney while his mom was a teacher. Bill has two sisters. The young Bill together with his sisters was raised in Seattle (Microsoft Corporation NP). Born to a rich family, Gates went to the most expensive schools in the United States. For his elementary education, he went to both public as well as private schools. During these years, he came to develop an interest in the software industry. He started doing computer programming as young as 13 years of age (Microsoft Corporation NP). Gates also went to Harvard University in the year 1973 (Microsoft Corporation NP). In his stint at Harvard, he developed his version of the BASIC programming language. He did this for the microcomputer, otherwise known as the MITS Altair (Microsoft Corporation NP). He left Harvard while he was on his third year. His reason for leaving school is to concentrate on the company he started with good friend, Paul Allen. The year was 1975 when what was to become the largest software developing company was initially started, then manned by just two people, Bill and Allen (Microsoft Corporation NP). The two started developing software for PCs led by the conviction that the computer would likely become an indispensable tool at the offices as well as for every household. Gates’ hope as well as his dream for personal computing have as it has always been vital to the success of his company and as well as to the rest of the industry. Under his guidance, the company’s mission is to constantly progress as well as develop software technology. It also aims to make it simpler, more cost efficient, as well as more pleasing for its users. Gates became famous the world over, largely due to the sensational success of the company he started. He delivered an interesting insight on the way personal computers will further revolutionize the lives of people in the future. He also shared the way the information superhighway will constantly progress. Gates, being the positive and passionate guy that he is will certainly play a huge role in the future of computers. In the advent of sophisticated computer technology, Gates sees the future were paper work will eventually be minimized. He sees it as something where educators will teach their students with the aid of computers primarily. It would be a world where meetings can happen at any given day, at any given time without the need to travel long distances. It would be a world where residences can well recognize it owners’ distinctively like man ever though possible. Nowadays, Gates’ idea that PCs would be a huge industry as well as his constantly logical vision, are essential to his business as well as to the rest of the industry. The moment he and his business partner started out their business, they came to know the basics as they progressed (Gates 5). On the first day of January in the year 1994, Bill wed Melinda French (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP. While his philanthropic ways were essential to the billionaire, together with his wife, they started what came to be known as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The couple believes in the equality of life for every human being. From the time it started in the year 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation help to minimize the inequalities that exist in their own country as well as the world over (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP). As of the first month of the year 2005, over $28. 8 billion was allotted to aid the philanthropic efforts of the couple particular concerning worldwide health and education (Microsoft Corporation NP). They hope that developments in these fields will be made accessible to those in need in the 21st century. The foundation has devoted over $3. 6 billion to institutions involved in worldwide health care. It has allotted over $2 billion to develop education opportunities, together with the Gates Library Initiative to give PCs, access to the information superhighway as well as education to public libraries in poor neighborhoods in their country and even in Canada. Over $477 million was committed to neighborhood missions at the Pacific Northwest. Over $488 million was fixed for special missions as well as yearly giving drives of the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). The company declared a transition process on the 15 day of June in the year 2006. Such process took effect on July 2008. It has the company’s chairman out of his daily task in order to devote much of his time for his worldwide education and health initiatives through the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). After such time, Gates will still act as the chairman as well as a consultant particularly on the company’s key advancement programs. Such transition was done in order to guarantee the efficient as well as systematic turnover of responsibilities in the company. For a hundred years since the time of Rockefeller, Ford as well as Carnegie, the foundation eventually became the richest endowment ever to exist. Its first endowment sponsored the company associated products in training as well as public libraries in the country. Still, others claim that it was his wife’s influence that caused the foundation to take a new direction to be the biggest sole private resource of investment for study into AIDS, vaccine as well as malnutrition. As a result, the efforts garnered several recognitions (New Internationalist 1). Gates envisions significant developments in the computer industry in the years to come. He pictures software that is capable of interacting with people at a more personal level by means of identifying voices, features as well as hand gestures. Armed with inexpensive digital cameras, PCs will soon have vision (Hart NP). He pictures interactive tablet computes taking the place of books as well as notebooks in institutions. Pupils will draft the whole lot of the things they must have on their tablet computers and transcribe all straight to screen for storage. Gates foretells that for a great number of institutions, the price of new PCs will not fall as low to be a practical option to conventional book for two to fours years from now (Hart NP). Software will modify more things in the future than it has ever done before. Gates remarked the manner in which the development of software and ever more influential microprocessors, together with the information superhighway has affected individual as well as industrial computing. Moreover, he mentioned about the way it altered the world of photography as well as the music industry. For the most part, things will leave the desktop and will be completed in the cloud of the information superhighway. Large amounts of data, take for example, the Visual Earth developed by the company will build more logic being shared over cyberspace than downloaded on the personal computer (Kash NP). The answer to upcoming software advancement is to build the architecture that allows users to handle information as well as applications in a diversified environment making the most of both local as well as the cyber realms. The major transformation approaching is innovative means of relating with devices. At the same time as the aid of both keyboards and mouse is here to stay, innovative potentials in terms of speech recognition, citing for example may turn mobile devices into an even more powerful tool for communication. He also depicted the manner the three dimensional computing, collaboration devices as well as robotics are offering new stages for output that will constantly modify the cyberspace industry. Lastly, he imparted his remarks in dropping by institutions regarding the way software is turning out to be an ever more vital element in the development of the sciences, particularly in astronomy as well as biology, giving new opportunities for the development of the software industry. Gates impatiently waits for the time when the administration of any state can get rid of paper from their systems of justice as well as medical records. Since this particular market does not concern similar aggressive issues that it was usually to be anticipated that it would take a little more time for it to progress into new advances and still the chance for competence, visibility of data as well as doing away with forms is still rather great. He believes that the growing accessibility of sophisticated visual representations will advance the development of online advertising as well as the information superhighway will ever more afford the best stage for some of the most elaborate as well as targeted innovative advertising efforts. For the twenty five year that has passed since Gates first encountered the programming language known as BASIC and when he learned the about the GE machine, he has changed the computer industry in a remarkable way. The advent of Microsoft Windows, the mouse as well as MS – DOS brought it down to a more personalized plane. His goal of having every home equipped with a personal computer is happening. His visions have fashioned extremely aggressive software as well as hardware computing industries. This man has certainly caused a great impact on the way people processes available data. The world has been seen a dramatic change as far as the computer industry is concerned because of one man who dared to realize his noble vision. Works Cited â€Å"About Us. †2008. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gatesfoundation. org/AboutUs/. â€Å"Bill Gates. †30 July 2007. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. microsoft. com/presspass/exec/billg/bio. mspx. â€Å"Bill Gates. †July 2006. New Internationalist. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0JQP/is_391/ai_n16619363. Gates, Bill. The Road Ahead. USA: Pearson Education Limited, 1999. Hart, Kim. â€Å"Bill Gates’ Vision for the Future. †13 March 2008. The Washington Post Company. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://blog. washingtonpost. com/posttech/2008/03/bill_gates_vision_for_the_futu. html Kash, Wyatt. â€Å"Bill Gates on software’s future. †13 Marh 2008. Government Computer News. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gcn. com/blogs/tech/45963. html. Reitz, Stacey. â€Å"William Henry Gates III. †26 September 1996. Stacey Reitz. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://ei. cs. vt. edu/~history/Gates. html.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Cerebellar Lesions and The Neurosurgeon :: Medicine Treatments Papers
Cerebellar Lesions and The Neurosurgeon Modern Surgical Approaches The incorporation of computed topography into stereo tactic techniques coincided with a general interest in stereo tactic approaches to intracranial tumors. Several authors including Moser and Backlund in 1982 and Apuzzo in 1984 reported safe CT based stereo tactic tumor biopsies ofpineal region tumors. Most series of stereo tactic tumor biopsies contain a number of pineal region lesions. The reported mortality and morbidity of imaging based stereo tactic biopsy is very low. It is now clear that stereo tactic biopsy is one option in a management of a pineal region tumor. However, the question of sampling is frequency raised. In addition, many pineal region tumors are not cured with radiation and chemotherapy and need to be resected. Open Approaches The evolution of modern microsurgical techniques have resulted in a precipitous reduction in the morbidity andmortality in the open approaches for the excision of pineal tumors. Packer (1984) reported nomortality in the partial resection of 24 pineal region tumors most of which were operated using a transcallosal approach, although an infratentorial approach was use d in some of these. Larger subsequentseries were reported by Lapras and Patet (1987) with 100 patients and no mortality and Sano (1987) with 125 patients. Edwards (1988) and Hoffman (1991) each reported pediatric series of 30 and 33 patients respectively.No mortality was experienced in any of these surgical series. Most employed infratentorial or transtentorial approaches. The open approach has two major advantages over stereo tactic biopsy: it provides more tissue and adequate histological sampling and it allows excision of tumors, which can potentially cure by resection. Stereotactic Biopsy The surgical methods are reported elsewhere and described briefly here.Stereo tactic biopsies were performed utilizing the COMPASS stereo tactic system (COMPASS international, Inc. Rochester, Minnesota). The procedures comprise three steps: data base acquisition, surgical planning and thesurgical procedure. Data base acquisition: Under sedation and local anesthesia a CT/MRI compatible stereo tactic head frame is placed.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Oil and gas production, drilling, and trading is a big issue in the United States. Currently, much of the oil we use comes from foreign sources. Many argue that we should reduce foreign oil dependency by reducing our consumption and by drilling for oil right here in the U. S. For approximately forty years, a debate has been brewing about oil exploration and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is 19,000,000 acres of land in northern Alaska, a U. S. state. It is the largest protected wilderness in the United States and was created by Congress under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980†³ (Wikipedia Foundation, Inc) More specifically, within the ANWR, a 1,500,000 acre area located between the Beaufort Sea(northern border), Brooks Range (southern border), and the Prudhoe Bay (western border) is the center of controversy. This area is commonly referred to as section 1002 because when the ANILCA was created, in section 1002 of the document, the decision of how to manage oil and gas exploration and development for this area was tabled. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. ) There are various opinions with points for and against oil drilling in the ANWR's section 1002. At this point, I am against it. I recently read a quote by U. S. , President, Barak Obama in Wikipedia. It states, â€Å"In a League of Conservation Voters questionnaire, Obama said, â€Å"I strongly reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because it would irreversibly damage a protected national wildlife refuge without creating sufficient oil supplies to meaningfully affect the global market price or have a discernible impact on US energy security. †(Wikimedia Foundation, Inc)I have to say, I agree with President Obama 100%. This area is true wilderness. According to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, it is the most diverse ecosystem in northern Alaska. It is home to many Native Indian tribes, a l arge population of porcupine caribou, some large whales, and other smaller animals not popular elsewhere. Not to mention, it is on the coastal line of Alaska, which opens it up huge varieties of marine life and migrating birds from all over. Many people don't realize that oil drilling is big business. It will not only require oil drilling equipment and stations, but there will be roads, airports, housing, shopping, etc.This means much of the land will forever be affected. Many animal habitats and natural migratory and breeding patterns may be disrupted. The air and water will be polluted from vehicle traffic, the oil drilling itself, and many other human behaviors. Human waste will need to be dealt with. You name it, it will be a problem. Another concern is the potential for accidental pollution. As a matter of fact, in 1989, there was a bill on the table and it looked like it might make it through the Senate, to allow the drilling, when the infamous Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska.It was the largest spill of its kind where 260,000 to 750,000 barrels of crude oil spilled out of the tanker and into the surrounding waters, killing and injuring countless wildlife and destroying their habitats. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc) Lastly, experts are not even sure how much oil is even there. A U. S. Geological Survey published in 1998 stated there was between 5. 7 billion barrels to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil and natural gas liquids the ANWR's coastal plain area. As compared to an estimated 120 billion in the rest of the U. S.It is estimated that drilling in area 1002 would amount to about 1% world oil production by the year 2030. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc) This would create such a small impact on the products and services generated at the end user level. In other words, the rich oil investors will get richer and people like me will be no better off. The benefits do not outweigh the risks. I say not to drilling in the ANWR! Works Cited Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Arctic Refuge drilling controversy. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Ed. 7 September 2012. Web. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arctic_Refuge_drilling_controversy. 30 September 2012.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Jason Baldwin s Life And Life - 2116 Words
Jason Baldwin was born on February 17, 2008 at Bellevue Hospital located in Manhattan, New York. Mrs. Baldwin, Jason’s mother, gave birth to her son one week post term via a Cesarean at 6 pounds 5 ounces. Jason was declared a healthy baby boy and was discharged three days later. Jason Baldwin currently lives in the Bronx, New York with his mother, Abigail Baldwin, father Joseph Baldwin and his sister Kayla Baldwin. Mr. Joseph Baldwin is 46 years old and was born and raised in Greece, where he completed his bachelors degree. Mr. Baldwin came to the United States in 1997 and is currently self employed. Abigail Baldwin, Jason s mother, is 36 years old and was also born and raised in Greece, where she received her high school diploma. Mrs. Baldwin came to the United States in 2005 and is currently a nurse at Montefiore Hospital. Jason s sister, Kayla Baldwin is 15 years old and is currently attending the Bronx Lab High School. In 2011, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin expressed some concerns regarding Jason s speech and language development. Mrs. Baldwin stated that Jason did not start speaking until he was two years old. Mrs. Baldwin reported that Jason was exposed to both Greek and English at home. He was primarily exposed to English while watching TV and communicating with his sister and Greek when interacting with his parents. At the age of three, Jason was diagnosed with Austin. â€Å"Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal andShow MoreRelatedBackground Of Jason Baldwin s Life2119 Words  | 9 PagesBackground Jason Baldwin was born on February 17, 2008 at Bellevue Hospital located in Manhattan, New York. Mrs. Baldwin, Jason’s mother, gave birth to her son one week post term via a Cesarean at 6 pounds 5 ounces. Jason was declared a healthy baby boy and was discharged three days later. 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These protections . . . constitute ordinary civil life in a free society.†2000 Vermont becomes the first state in the country to legally recognize civil unions between gay or lesbian couples. The law states that these â€Å"couples would be entitled to the same benefits, privileges, and responsibilitiesRead More The Internet and Secondary Education Essay3477 Words  | 14 Pagesbrought the Internet into my home, my life in cyberspace has been primarily experienced through my work as a middle school English teacher. When I began teaching in 1991, computer labs were used to teach a few high school students basic programming skills. These labs were mostly off-limits to middle school teachers, and computers were all but non-existent in the school libraries. The boom in government funding of technological incentives that began in the mid 1990’s gave school districts access to cyberspace
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